Methylation is a chemical process that happens in ALL cells of the body billions of times per second. Think of it as billions of switches being turned on (turning all the lights on in the body) or conversely not having the ability to turn those lights on and your (cells are sitting in the dark).
Do you experience chronic fatigue, chronic infections, sleep issues? Do you have or know someone with Lyme disease? What about do you experience seizures, mood disorders, anxiety, depression? Maybe you have a family member or relative with autism, cancer or Alzheimers? If this sounds familiar you may have a methylation defect.
Methylation is the missing piece to heal chronic symptoms

Methylation is responsible for:
Detoxifying environmental toxins
Detoxifying oestrogen (COMT) enzyme
Creating melatonin for sleep
Creating bile acids for metabolism of fats
Energy production
Repairing damaged DNA
Balanced brain chemistry
Controlling Stress (Fight or Flight Response)
Creating a healthy immune system
Managing glutathione the body's powerful antioxidant
Controlling gene function
Manage inflammation
Methylation is absolutely essential for a properly functioning body and brain.
Poor methylation can show up as:
skin problems
digestive issues
thyroid issues
lack of energy
brain fog
cardiovascular issues
frequent infections, parasitic, bacterial, viral, candida, urinary tract
mold illness
There is a way to address methylation defects and change the way the genes function. It is does through addressing the nutrient deficiencies that are causing the problem. It's very individualized and very important.
There are several steps that you can take now to assist your body with methylation.
Stop alcohol, it depletes b vitamins that are essential for methylation
Eat adequate animal protein as it is essential for proper b12 synthesis of methylation pathways.
Reduce toxin exposure, that means detox your home cleaning products, your beauty products, what your cookware is, what you use in your yard and go simple and clean.
Eat a clean non processed diet.
Get lots of greens 1 cup a day
Support digestion and fat digestion We are here to support you in feeling your best and we do this through functional blood work and genetic methylation testing. Reach out to us to get going into wellness!